Afshan Naaz


What it to prepon and what does Aristotle say suggest regarding it?
(Afshan) According to Aristotle, to prepon (the appropriate) is a key concept in rhetoric. To prepon means to speak or write that is appropriate to the situation. ‘To Prepon’ is a Greek term which means “the fitting” or “the appropriate.”

Aristotle mentions that the ‘lexis will be appropriate if it expresses emotion and character and is proportional to the subject matter. It means that what is appropriate in a given situation and is often associated with moral virtue. Prepon refers to making choices that are both morally and socially acceptable while taking into consideration the needs of others. Aristotle believes that to prepon is an important idea in rhetoric. To prepon is often associated with the concept of moral virtue. It also refers to the correct way of speaking or writing in a way that is suitable to the situation. Prepon depends on Kairos – the timing, context, and audience that makes a rhetorical response effective. Basically, it is an essential trait for effective speaking and writing. Prep on also involves making choices that are both morally and socially acceptable and also to take care of the needs of others.

What does he say about urbanity, energia, and visualization?
(Afshan) Urbanity:
Urbanity is the ability to engage in a light hearted and witty conversation.
Urbanities come from metaphor and analogies. Urbanities in most cases come through metaphor and from an added surprise; for it becomes clearer [to the listener] that he learned something different from what he believed, and his mind seems to say, “How true, and I was wrong.” Urbanity helps individuals to connect with others. Urbanity should come naturally and cannot be forced.

Energeia means ‘actualization’. To achieve urbanity in style one should thus aim at three things: metaphor, antithesis, actualization [energeia]. And [energeia], as Homer often uses it, is making the lifeless living through the metaphor. Aristotle encourages using, metaphors, emotions, and gestures to create energeia. It arouses emotions in the listeners. As a rhetorical term energeia may be translated “actualization” or “vivification.” It is sometimes, but not always, “personification” and should be distinguished from enargeia, which means “clearness” or “distinctiveness.”
Aristotle encourages using description, metaphors, and emotions to create Energeia.

It is the ability to visualize and imagine different possibilities. It means to think rationally and consider many possibilities. Visualization is essential as it allows an individual to consider the outcome and make decisions accordingly. It makes abstract ideas comprehensible to the audience. Aristotle also believed that a person should be observant of the world around and learn from those observations.